Applications Notes
Selmaware provides software packages
which permit plotting and logging of data. Although these were developed
for the Basic Stamp, the packages may be used with any processor capable
of transmitting serial data. Quite impressive.
Sample Plot of Temperature using an NTC
Use of a BX24 as a Dallas DS1821 Thermostat
Programmer .
Sample Routines for the BX24
Sample Routines for the BasicX-01 . Note that most of these
routines may be readily adapted to the BX-24.
Poke_1.BAS . Use of RAMpoke, Sleep. Flashes
In_1.BAS . Use of "if - else", "for-next",
PutPin, GetPin and serial output. Flashes LED in response to an input.
IO_Byte1.Bas . Use of Registers in Byte IO
Button_1.Bas . Use of a pushbutton to
change a parameter.
Split_Int.BAS . Passing by reference, use
of MemAddress in conjunction with RAMpeek. Splits integer in high and low
Motor_1.BAS . Use of DACPin Command to Vary
the Speed of a DC Motor.
Motor_2.BAS . Varies speed of a DC motor
using a Potentiometer.
Stepper_1.BAS . Control of a Unipolar
Stepper. Illustrates passing an array.
S5804.Bas . Control of a Stepper Using an
Allegro UCN5804B Translator / Driver.
Shift_Out_1.Bas and Shift_Out_2.Bas .
Interfacing with a single or cascaded 74X595 shift register - latch.
EEPROM_1.BAS . Writing to and reading from
EEPROM_2.BAS . Writing to and reading from
EEPROM using PersistentPoke, PersistentPeek, MemAddress, RAMpeek and
FirstTime.Bas . Use of FirstTime Command and
Persistent Variables.
Therm_1.BAS . Calculating temperature using
an NTC thermistor using floating point routines. By Onya Barnes (Junior).
ADC0831.Bas . Measuring Temperature using
an NTC Thermistor. By Stacy Anderson (Senior).
RCTime_1.BAS . Use of the RCTime command
in capacitor discharge mode.
RCTime_2.BAS . Use of RCTime command in
capacitor discharge and charge mode.
Tm_Blink.BAS . Use of GetTime and PutTime.
By David Seebold.
RTC_1.Bas . Use of PutTimeStamp and
RTC_2.Bas . Setting a Real Time Clock with a
Pushbutton. By David Seebold.
Periodic.Bas Use of the RTC in controlling
periodic events. By Onya Barnes.
Periodic_2.Bas Use of the Timer()
command for periodic events.
Pinewood Derby Timer . Determining the
order and time of events.
TMP04.BAS . Measuring temperature using a
TMP04 temperature to frequency device. Use of Pulsin command.
Light_Intensity.BAS Measuring light
intensity using a TSL235 light to frequency converter. Illustrates an
application of InputCapture.
I2C.Bas . Low Level I2C Routines.
Two4_256_1.Bas . Interfacing with a
24LC256 EEPROM (I2C) by David Seebold.
DS1624.Bas . Interfacing with a DS1624 I2C
Thermometer and EEPROM. By David Seebold.
DS1803.Bas . Interfacing with a DS1803 Dual
Potentiometer (I2C). By David Seebold.
PCF8574.Bas . Interfacing with a PCF8574
8-bit IO Expander (I2C). By David Seebold.
Dallas 1-W, Calculating an 8-bit Cyclic Redundacy
Check (CRC)
Serin_1.Bas . Fetching a serial character.
Serin_2.Bas . Fetching a null terminated
character array.
Barom.Bas . Measuring barometric pressure
using an MPX4115 pressure sensor.
Network.Bas . Networking two BasicX
processors. By David Seebold.
T_Meas.Bas . Performs a temperature
measurement and sends result to remote BasicX which displays and controls
a stepper. By David Seebold.
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