Interfacing with a Linear LTC1298 Dual 12-bit A/D

The BX24 provides eight 10-bit A/D converters. For those applications where more resolution is required, the LTC1298 Dual 12-bit A/D is an attractive alternative.

Program LTC1298_1.Bas illustrates how to perform a measurement on either Channel 0 or 1. Program LTC1298_2.Bas extends this to performing a measurment a number of times and computing an average.

Program LTC1298_3.Bas illustrates an arrangement which measures atmospheric pressure using a Motorola MPX4115 on Channel 0 and temperature using a nominal 10K NTC thermistor in a voltage divider arrangement on Channel 1.

' LTC1298_1.Bas  (BX24)
' Illustrates how to interface with a Linear LTC1298 12-bit Dual A/D.
' BX24 				LTC1298
'				------ Dout (term 6)
'				|                           
'			     1K |
' DAT Pin15 -------------------------- Din (term 5)
' CLK Pin14 -------------------------- Clk (term 7)
' NOT_CS Pin 13 ---------------------- /CS (term 1)
' Routine performs an A/D conversion on Ch 0 (term 2 of LTC1298) and
' displays.  Repeats for Ch 1 (term 3).  Continually loops.
' copyright, Peter H. Anderson, Baltimore, MD, Nov, '99

Const NOT_CS as Byte = 13
Const CLK as Byte = 14
Const DAT as Byte = 15

Sub Main()

   Dim Band as Integer

   Call OpenSerialPort(1, 19200)

      Band = LTC1298GetADC(0)	' perform a meas on Ch 0
      Call PutB(0)		' and display Ch and result
      Call PutByte(Asc(" "))
      Call PutI(Band)
      Call NewLine()

      Band = LTC1298GetADC(1)	' same for Ch 1
      Call PutB(1)
      Call PutByte(Asc(" "))
      Call PutI(Band)
      Call NewLine()

      Call Sleep(0.5)
End Sub

Function LTC1298GetADC(ByVal Ch as Byte) as Integer

   Dim Band as Integer
   Dim ADCommand as Byte
   Dim N as Byte

   Band = 0

   If (Ch = 0) then
      ADCommand = &H0d
      ADCommand = &H0f
   End If

   Call PutPin(NOT_CS, 1)	' initial conditions
   Call PutPin(CLK, 1)

   Call PutPin(NOT_CS, 0)	' 1->0 transition resets LTC1298

   For N = 1 to 4		' send 4-bit command, ms bit first

      If ((ADCommand AND bx00001000) <> 0) Then ' Its a one
         Call PutPin(DAT, 1)
         Call PutPin(DAT, 0)	' otherwise a zero
      End If   

      Call PutPin(CLK, 0)	' clock pulse
      Call PutPin(CLK, 1)   

      ADCommand = ADCommand * 2	' orient next bit into position

   Call PutPin(CLK, 0)	' dummy clock pulse
   Call PutPin(CLK, 1)   

   For N = 1 to 12		' fetch the 12 bit result, ms bit first
      Call PutPin(Dat, 2)	' make DAT an input

      Call PutPin(CLK, 0)	' clock
      Call PutPin(CLK, 1)   

      If (GetPin(DAT) <> 0) Then	' read the data bit
         Band = (Band * 2) + 1
         Band = Band * 2
      End If 
   Call PutPin(NOT_CS, 1)	' turn off the device

   LTC1298GetADC = Band
End Function   

' LTC1298_2.Bas  (BX24)
' Extends on LTC1298_1.Bas.  Adds functions to perform N measurments
' on a specified channel and return the average as a float.
' Performs 100 measurments on Ch 0 and displays result.  Same on Ch 1. 
' copyright, Peter H. Anderson, Baltimore, MD, Nov, '99

Const NOT_CS as Byte = 13
Const CLK as Byte = 14
Const DAT as Byte = 15

Sub Main()

   Dim BandAvg as Single

   Call OpenSerialPort(1, 19200)

      BandAvg = LTC1298GetADCAvg(0, 100)	' perform 100 meas on Ch 0
      Call PutB(0)		        ' and display Ch and average
      Call PutByte(Asc(" "))
      Call PutS(BandAvg)
      Call NewLine()

      BandAvg = LTC1298GetADCAvg(1, 100)	' same for Ch 1
      Call PutB(1)
      Call PutByte(Asc(" "))
      Call PutS(BandAvg)
      Call NewLine()

      Call Sleep(0.5)
End Sub

Function LTC1298GetADCAvg(ByVal Ch as Byte, _
                          ByVal NumMeas as Integer) as Single
   Dim N as Integer, BandInt as Integer
   Dim Sum as Single, Avg as Single

   Sum = 0.0

   For N = 1 to NumMeas
      BandInt =  LTC1298GetADC(Ch)
      Sum = Sum + CSng(BandInt)
   Avg = Sum / CSng(NumMeas)

   LTC1298GetADCAvg = Avg
End Function

Function LTC1298GetADC(ByVal Ch as Byte) as Integer

   Dim Band as Integer
   Dim ADCommand as Byte
   Dim N as Byte

   Band = 0

   If (Ch = 0) then
      ADCommand = &H0d
      ADCommand = &H0f
   End If

   Call PutPin(NOT_CS, 1)	' initial conditions
   Call PutPin(CLK, 1)

   Call PutPin(NOT_CS, 0)	' 1->0 transition resets LTC1298

   For N = 1 to 4		' send 4-bit command, ms bit first

      If ((ADCommand AND bx00001000) <> 0) Then ' Its a one
         Call PutPin(DAT, 1)
         Call PutPin(DAT, 0)	' otherwise a zero
      End If   

      Call PutPin(CLK, 0)	' clock pulse
      Call PutPin(CLK, 1)   

      ADCommand = ADCommand * 2	' orient next bit into position

   Call PutPin(CLK, 0)	' dummy clock pulse
   Call PutPin(CLK, 1)   

   For N = 1 to 12		' fetch the 12 bit result, ms bit first
      Call PutPin(Dat, 2)	' make DAT an input

      Call PutPin(CLK, 0)	' clock
      Call PutPin(CLK, 1)   

      If (GetPin(DAT) <> 0) Then	' read the data bit
         Band = (Band * 2) + 1
         Band = Band * 2
      End If 
   Call PutPin(NOT_CS, 1)	' turn off the device

   LTC1298GetADC = Band
End Function   

' LTC1298_3.Bas  (BX24)
' Extends on LTC1298_2.Bas.  Measures and displays atmospheric pressure 
' using a Motorola MPX4115 sensor on Ch 0 and temperature is degrees F
' using a series 10K and 10K NTC Thermistor arrangement on Ch 1.
' ****************************
' For atmospheric pressure the voltage is calculated as
'     V = BandAvg/4096 * Vref
' The MPX4115 pressure sensor outputs a voltage;
'     V = Vref * (Pmillibars * 0.0009 - 0.095)
' Equating these two expressions and solving for P_millibars;
'     Pmillibars = 0.27 * BandAvg + 105.0
' In the US, we use inches of mercury
'     PInchesHg = 0.00797 * BandAvg + 2.95
' *******************************
' For temperature, a series voltage divider consisting of a fixed
' resistor R1 and an NTC thermistor (Rtherm) is used.
'     V = BandAvg/4096 * Vref
' Using voltage division;
'     V = Vref * Rtherm / (R1 + Rtherm)
' Equating these two expressions and solving for Rtherm;
'     Rtherm = R1 / (4096/band - 1)
' Using a two point model for the thermistor;
'     TKelvin = 1.0 / (a + b * ln (Rtherm))
'     TCelcius = TKelvin - 273.15
'     TF = TCelcius * 1.8 + 32.0
' ******************************
' copyright, Peter H. Anderson, Baltimore, MD, Nov, '99

Const NOT_CS as Byte = 13
Const CLK as Byte = 14
Const DAT as Byte = 15

Const a as Single = 0.000413200	 ' thermistor constants
Const b as Single = 0.000320135     

Sub Main()

   Dim BandAvg as Single, PMillibars as Single, TF as Single
   Dim Str as String

   Call OpenSerialPort(1, 19200)

      BandAvg = LTC1298GetADCAvg(0, 100)	' perform 100 meas on Ch 0
      PMillibars = CalcPressure(BandAvg)	' calc pressure in millibars
      Str = "Pressure in Millibars = "		       
      Call PutStr(Str)
      Call PutS(PMillibars)
      Call NewLine()

      BandAvg = LTC1298GetADCAvg(1, 100)	
      TF = CalcTF(BandAvg)			' calc temperature
      Str = "TF = "
      Call PutStr(Str)
      Call PutS(TF)
      Call NewLine()

      Call Sleep(0.5)
End Sub

Function CalcPressure(ByVal BandAvg as Single) as Single
  CalcPressure = 0.27 * BandAvg + 105.0
End Function

Function CalcTF(ByVal BandAvg as Single) as Single

   Dim RTherm as Single, TKelvin as Single, TCelcius as Single
   Dim TF as Single
   RTherm = 10.0e3 / ((4096.0/BandAvg) - 1.0)
   TKelvin = 1.0 / (a + b * log(RTherm))
   TCelcius = TKelvin - 273.15
   TF = TCelcius * 1.8 + 32.0
   CalcTF = TF
End Function

Function LTC1298GetADCAvg(ByVal Ch as Byte, _
                          ByVal NumMeas as Integer) as Single
   Dim N as Integer, BandInt as Integer
   Dim Sum as Single, Avg as Single

   Sum = 0.0

   For N = 1 to NumMeas
      BandInt =  LTC1298GetADC(Ch)
      Sum = Sum + CSng(BandInt)
   Avg = Sum / CSng(NumMeas)

   LTC1298GetADCAvg = Avg
End Function

Function LTC1298GetADC(ByVal Ch as Byte) as Integer

   Dim Band as Integer
   Dim ADCommand as Byte
   Dim N as Byte

   Band = 0

   If (Ch = 0) then
      ADCommand = &H0d
      ADCommand = &H0f
   End If

   Call PutPin(NOT_CS, 1)	' initial conditions
   Call PutPin(CLK, 1)

   Call PutPin(NOT_CS, 0)	' 1->0 transition resets LTC1298

   For N = 1 to 4		' send 4-bit command, ms bit first

      If ((ADCommand AND bx00001000) <> 0) Then ' Its a one
         Call PutPin(DAT, 1)
         Call PutPin(DAT, 0)	' otherwise a zero
      End If   

      Call PutPin(CLK, 0)	' clock pulse
      Call PutPin(CLK, 1)   

      ADCommand = ADCommand * 2	' orient next bit into position

   Call PutPin(CLK, 0)	' dummy clock pulse
   Call PutPin(CLK, 1)   

   For N = 1 to 12		' fetch the 12 bit result, ms bit first
      Call PutPin(Dat, 2)	' make DAT an input

      Call PutPin(CLK, 0)	' clock
      Call PutPin(CLK, 1)   

      If (GetPin(DAT) <> 0) Then	' read the data bit
         Band = (Band * 2) + 1
         Band = Band * 2
      End If 
   Call PutPin(NOT_CS, 1)	' turn off the device

   LTC1298GetADC = Band
End Function