Extensively modified on July 7, '09.
I began seriously programming Microchip PICs using C in late '98. At that time, the only flash device was the PIC16C84 (later 16F84). At that time, I fooled with the High-Tech, CCS and C2C (free) compilers. I opted for the CCS.
After teaching this material to my undergaraduate students for a few semesters, I gathered together a collection of routines; PIC C Routines using the CCS PCW Compiler, 375 pages, Nov, '99 and sold hard copies. This is no longer available.
Things then happened quickly. Microchip introduced the PIC16F877 familily and an inexpensive In Circuit Debugger (ICD 1). I began developing routines for the PIC16F877 and offered a developer's package consisting of the ICD1, connectors, a solderless breadboard, a PIC16F877, a power supply, wall power unit and inexpenive parts to interface with the PIC16F877. This went through a number of permutations as the manufacturer of the ICD went out of business and I used a similar product from Olimex. The following link is only for reference;
PIC16F87X Development Package with Serial ICD
My efforts in developing sample applications, "Tutorial by Example, C Routines for the PIC16F87X." was included with this development package. This development package is no longer offered. However, the C Routines are still available.
In early 2000, I was offering special 2-1/2 day hands-on workshops. The first was in Stowe, VT and five more were held at Morgan State University over a period of three years. The following is for reference only; PIC C Workshop, Mon, Dec 17 - Weds, Dec 19, '01, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD..
I continued to add to the collection of tutorial routines. After a wonderful summer on a high tech farm in Manitoba, I added a section on low end PICs and over the Christmas Holidays in 2002, a section on the PIC18C452. Later in the summer, I added a section on the PIC19000.
After a bout with skin cancer and the loss of my mother, I turned my attention to consulting, developing products and contemplating the meaning of life.
The only survivor from all of this is my collection of tutorials.
Collections of PIC C Routines
In addition, over a period of time, I have added various routines to this site. Please recognize that when they were done, I may not have been all that high up on the learning curve.
Recently (2009), I have begun to develop material using the SourceBoost C compiler and routines appear below.
SourceBoost C Compiler (2009).
CCS PCM Compiler Sample Code.
PIC16F628 (Apr, '01)
PIC16F84 (1999).
PIC16F877 (2001).
CCS PCB Compiler Sample Code (1999).
Hi-Tech PIC C Compiler Sample Code (1999).