Fetching a Character Array from the Serial Input

' SerIn_2.Bas
' Illustrates how to fetch a null terminated array of characters
' from the serial input buffer.  If, not an null "string", then
' displays.
' Note.  One thing this routine taught me was that I don't know anything
' about handling strings using VB.  Thus, I resorted to using the "C"
' language approach of an array of chars with a null termination.
' In GetCharArray, parameter Times is passed to indicate the number
' of times to look for each character.  If no character is received
' the "string" is returned as an empty string.
' If the character is either <CR> or <LF>, it is assummed that the 
' "string" is completed.
' If the number of characters received is such that there is no room
' remaining for the null terminator and an empty "string" is returned.
' Copyright, Peter H. Anderson, Baltimore, MD, Oct, '99

Sub Main()

   Dim s(1 to 8) as Byte	' note this is an array of bytes
				' vs a String

   Call OpenSerialPort(2, 9600)

      Call GetCharArray(s, 10000) 
      If (s(1) <> 0) Then	' If not a null "string"
         Call PutCharArray(s)	' display it
         Call NewLine()
      End If

End Sub

Sub GetCharArray(ByRef s() as Byte, ByVal Times as Integer)

   Dim N as Integer
   Dim Index as Integer
   Dim StringFetched as Byte, Character as Byte, Success as Boolean

   s(1) = 0	' null string
   Index = 1

   StringFetched = 0	' false

   For N = 1 TO Times
      Call GetByte(character, Success)
      If (Success) Then
         If ((Character = 13) OR (Character = 10)) then
            StringFetched = 1     ' "string" successfully fetched       
            s(Index) = 0
            Exit For
           s(Index) =  Character
           Index = Index + 1

           If (Index = 8) Then	' no room for null terminator
              StringFetched = 0	' not a valid "string"
              Exit For
           End If

           N = 1	' start scan times again
         End If
      End If

   If (StringFetched = 0) Then	' if invalid then return null "string"
      s(1) = 0
   End If
End Sub    

Sub PutCharArray(ByRef s() as Byte)
' Ouput each character until null terminator.

   Dim N as Integer
   For N = 1 To 8
      If (s(N) = 0) Then
         Exit For
      End If
      Call PutByte(s(N))
End Sub